Sunday, October 1st, 2006 Pardus goes Gold |
As of this writing Pardus beta testing has officially ended and Pardus is now "gold", as we have also announced via the following Austrian-wide press relase:
APA-OTS Press Release (German)
All pre-ordered Premium Accounts are now activated - all features are now usable and entry into the Pardus cluster is now possible.
Premium Accounts ordered from this point on will be activated within 48 hours of payment being received. Don't forget the limited time Special Offer is still available until October 20th!
Be sure to check the Development Forum from time to time to check for new features. As we said before, new features will not stop simply because we are finished with beta.
We would also like to take this opportunity to present our new Pardus logo:

The image represents a hollowed out planet, with the multiple layers surrounding it symbolizing the many paths open to a Pardus pilot.
And finally, we would again like to give a big thanks to all beta testers and to everyone else who helped us make Pardus what it is today. We would also like to thank everyone of the currently 534 players who have shown their support by purchasing a Premium Account - the response has been overwhelming!
Thank you all and enjoy the new features!
Bayer & Szell OEG
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