Friday, September 14th, 2012 Happy 8th birthday Pardus, have some new features! |
Happy 8th birthday, Pardus!
Pardus has been online for 8 years, and has recently passed the 400,000 registered characters mark. To celebrate this special occasion we have implemented a bunch of sexy new features. As always we listened to your numerous feature requests - this time we focused on making the life of traders more interesting. Several new trader-specific pieces of ship equipment have been added, including: Three devices which protect from credit hacks, as well as an improved Bussard Ramscoop , Magnetic Scoop and Escape Pod . All of this has been tied to a revolutionary new "popularity" framework where pilots can become respected - even admired - or despised on specific planets and starbases depending on their noble or evil deeds.
The end-of-summer features are rounded off with a long-requested Union gadget, the missile batteries , and a shiny high-end TSS destroyer, the "Harvester":
| New TSS Ship: Harvester |
We wish you commercial success, juicy booties and a lot of continued fun with Pardus,
The Devs
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