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Entering Buildings

To enter someone else's building, click on the Enter link in the commands window on the nav screen.

Building Welcome Screen The welcome screen displays the building's condition, its owner and his/her faction and alliance allignment.

You can try to raid or damage it by hitting the appropriate button. Be aware that this will active the building's defense modules. [MECH:PvBuilding] [REF:Defense Modules]

Besides the welcome message which the owner may set, and the combat buttons, you can see the following options:
  • Trade with [building-type]
    If the owner has set the public trading option, you may supply the building or buy its products here for the prices the owner has set. If the owner has disabled public trade, you will see Currently this building does not offer public trading. [MECH:Building Maintenance]
    To see the building's public trade status on the nav screen, without any need to enter it, select the Show building trade buoys on nav screen option in the options screen. [MECH:Conventional Trade] [MECH:Options]

    Public Trading On  Public Trading Off

  • Hack information
    With enough hacking skill you may find out important information about the building's owner here by hacking his/her building. [MECH:Hacking & Firewalls]

  • Install firewall
    This option is only displayed when the building's owner has initiated an according request. Good hackers can earn credits by fulfilling the request with their hacking skills and protect the building from being hacked by even stronger hackers. [MECH:Hacking & Firewalls]

For information on how to construct and manage your own building, please see: [MECH:Building Construction] [MECH:Building Maintenance]

To change the order in which combat, non-combat, and building message parts are displayed when entering a building, please go to the options screen and select the desired option under Building welcome screen order. [MECH:Options]

Make use of the Standard Command and configure the Default Link to either enter the building welcome screen or open the trading interface by clicking on the center tile of the Nav screen's space chart. [MECH:Options]

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Last modification on this page: 2013-11-18

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