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Installing faction-equipment on a ship from another faction or a syndicate-only ship is not possible!
Installing syndicate-only equipment on a faction ship or a ship with faction-only equipment is not possible!
Installing equipment available to both Union and TSS is possible on Union and TSS/neutral ships.
Repairing faction equipment is only possible if:
   1) the repair place is controlled by that faction
   2) the player is member of that faction
(Exception: Repairing armor, refreshing shield)





Eff. Dmg.


Buy Price

Sell Price


10 MW Mining* 6164t1,000500-
30 MW Mining* 151156t5,0002,500-
1 MW Impulse 211212t12,0006,000-
5 MW Impulse 301303t28,00014,000-
1 MW Particle 272544t86,00043,000360 Exp
4 MW Particle 422848t210,000105,0001,600 Exp
4 MW Light-weight Particle 422845t510,000255,0004,600 Exp
20 MW Particle 60212014t550,000275,0005,000 Exp
20 MW Light-weight Particle 60212010t925,000462,5008,750 Exp
100 MW Particle 84216830t980,000490,0009,300 Exp
100 MW Light-weight Particle 84216824t2,000,0001,000,00019,500 Exp
140 MW Particle 102220436t1,400,000700,000  Earl/Marchesa (Empire)
140 MW Light-weight Particle 102220428t2,400,0001,200,000  Marquis/Marchioness (Empire)
4 MW Gatling 3039022t180,00090,000  Master (Empire)
4 MW Light-weight Gatling 3039014t540,000270,000  Baron / Baroness (Empire)
6 MW Gatling 48314434t400,000200,000  Squire (Empire)
6 MW Light-weight Gatling 48314420t1,200,000600,000  Count / Countess (Empire)
10 MW Gatling 69320750t720,000360,000  Viscount (Empire)
10 MW Light-weight Gatling 69320730t2,160,0001,080,000  Duke / Duchess (Empire)
35 MW Plasma 240124038t2,280,0001,140,000  Duke / Duchess (Empire)
40 MW Plasma 270127042t2,500,0001,250,000  Prince / Princess (Empire)
60 MW Plasma 345134554t8,250,0004,125,000  King / Queen (Empire)
20 MW Gatling 115334578t2,200,0001,100,000  Prince / Princess (Empire)
20 MW Light-weight Gatling 115334560t6,600,0003,300,000  King / Queen (Empire)



Eff. Dmg.


Buy Price

Sell Price


Exoplasm Launcher 362724t580,000290,0005,300 Exp
Endoplasm Launcher 422848t400,000200,0003,500 Exp
Bio-Spore Array 42312616t850,000425,0008,000 Exp
Viral Glands 78215628t1,680,000840,00016,300 Exp



Eff. Dmg.


Buy Price

Sell Price


80 MT Magnetic Defractor 392786t650,000325,0006,000 Exp
120 MT Magnetic Defractor 5121027t950,000475,0009,000 Exp
Large Pulse Cannon 165116530t1,980,000990,00019,300 Exp
Very Large Pulse Cannon 210121040t2,600,0001,300,00025,500 Exp



Eff. Dmg.


Buy Price

Sell Price


Lucidi Enforcer I [S²]402805t??-
Lucidi Enforcer II [S²]55211012t??-
Lucidi Conqueror [S²]150115028t??-
Lucidi Plasma Thrower [S²]105221050t??-



Eff. Dmg.


Buy Price

Sell Price


Feral-Lucidi Crossover Cannon [S]215121554t??-
Eff. Dmg. = Damage * Firerate

For efficiency relations between laser/armor-classes see [MECH:Laser/Armor Class].

* Note that the amount of ore mined depends on your Asteroid Mining Skill and the field's resources, and not on the mining laser's type.






Buy Price

Sell Price


P80 Sidewinder4511t41,000500-
KL760 Homing9011t42,5001,250-
LV111 Intelligent13522t46,0003,000-
NN500 Fleet25525t416,0008,000-
NN550 Fleet25535t432,00016,000-
Imperial MO89 Lord31535t417,5008,750  Lord/Lady (Empire)
Heavy MO89 Lord33536t435,000
+ 7 TP
17,500Competency Level 6+The Shadow Syndicate
Imperial G-7 Smartwinder6041t31,500750  Serf (Empire)
Imperial A/50 Pogo15022t37,0003,500  Sir/Dame (Empire)
Imperial D/70 Havar22534t318,0009,000  Squire (Empire)
Imperial Elite Mk.I27045t362,50031,250  Viscount/Viscountess (Empire)
Imperial Elite Mk.II27056t362,50031,250  Viscount/Viscountess (Empire)
King Relon1,200620t191,000,000500,000  Marquis/Marchioness (Empire)
Overloaded King Relon Prototype1,350525t19600,000
+ 120 TP
300,000Competency Level 11+The Shadow Syndicate
King Kraak1,800628t191,500,000750,000  Duke/Duchess (Empire)
Royal Redeemer2,300312t152,500,0001,250,000  King/Queen (Empire)
ART = Average Reload Time: Average amount of combat rounds where a missile needs reloading and is not fired







Buy Price

Sell Price


Enhanced Fusion [S]2100425t20%40,00020,000  Sgt-Major (Federation)
Z Series Ion [S]3125430t22%96,000
+ 20 TP
48,000Competency Level 6+The Shadow Syndicate
Anti-Matter4200655t12%92,00046,000420 Exp
Enhanced Anti-Matter [S]4150751t28%184,00092,000  Lieutenant (Federation)
Hyper5225873t16%220,000110,0001,700 Exp
Z Series Hyper [S]5200966t30%440,000
+ 88 TP
220,000Competency Level 11+The Shadow Syndicate
Interphased6250987t20%400,000200,0003,500 Exp
Enhanced Interphased [S]62251080t36%800,000400,000  Rear Admiral (Federation)
Feral Spin Apparatus [S]6100485t33%??-
Evasion Bonus = Decrease of chance of being hit in combat
Fuel Consumption / 1000 = Amount of fuel consumed by moving 1 field
Sensitive drives are replaced by a Nuclear drive on destruction.




Buy Price

Sell Price


Tritanium256,00028,00060 Exp
Zortrium3290,000145,0002,400 Exp
Neutronium4935,000467,5008,850 Exp
Adamantium52,870,0001,435,00028,200 Exp
Ebidium62,990,0001,495,000  Chief (Union)


Buy Price

Sell Price


Worm-Slime armor2190,00095,0001,400 Exp
Mykoplasmic armor3435,000217,5003,850 Exp
Mutagen armor41,400,000700,00013,500 Exp
Genotrope armor54,305,0002,152,50042,550 Exp


Buy Price

Sell Price


Fermion armor2200,000100,0001,500 Exp
Boson armor3464,000232,0004,140 Exp
Positron armor41,560,000780,00015,100 Exp
Anti-Neutrino armor54,856,0002,428,00048,060 Exp

For efficiency relations between laser/armor-classes see [MECH:Laser/Armor Class].



Recharge Rate


Buy Price

Sell Price


Tiny6012t1,000500  Flunkey (Union)
Standard270111t140,00070,000900 Exp
Medium420228t320,000160,0002,700 Exp
Large660348t740,000370,0006,900 Exp
Q-Small12035t10,0005,000  Acolyte (Union)
Q-Standard270311t180,00090,000  Accountant (Union)
Q-Medium400526t400,000200,000  Cleaner (Union)
Q-Large630746t860,000430,000  Made Man / Made Woman (Union)
Huge870352t820,000410,000  Chief (Union)
Q-Huge840852t980,000490,000  Kingpin (Union)
L-Huge870340t1,100,000550,000  Nephew / Niece (Union)
LQ-Large630735t1,160,000580,000  Son / Daughter (Union)
LQ-Huge840840t1,290,000645,000  Godfather / Godmother (Union)
Recharge Rate * 10 = Amount of shield points recharged every 6 minutes



Buy Price

Sell Price



Outlawed in

Auto refueler2t3,0001,500[MECH:Movement & Status]--
Escape Pod5t10,0005,000[MECH:Ship Destruction]--
Fuel Scoop1t1,800900[MECH:Fields & Mining]--
Bussard Ramscoop2t24,00012,000Automatically harvests up to 5t of fuel from space tiles having 151+ field resources as long as there is enough free space in the ship's cargo hold and less than 10t of fuel already in it. Per collected ton of fuel 1 AP is deducted, your APs may turn negative.--
Magnetic Scoop2t20,00010,000Increases capacity for cargo by 150t, with higher movement cost and lower maneuver skill when Magnetic Scoop holds cargo. Prerequisite to packing goods.--
Ambush Teleporter1t30,00015,000Needed for setting and using ambush retreat points, [MECH:Raiding & Ambush]--
Class I Teleporter5t25,00012,50060% Success, [MECH:Teleporting]--
Class II Teleporter8t60,00030,00075% Success, [MECH:Teleporting]100 Exp-
Map Pack I0t2,0001,000Shows sectors in overview screen, and gains access to the building indices of these surrounding sectors--
Map Pack II0t7,0003,500  Shows sectors and wormholes in overview screen, and gains access to the building indices of these surrounding sectors--
Bounty Link I0t15,0007,500  Shows players with bounties--
Bounty Link II0t150,00075,000  Shows bounty rewards too1,000 Exp-
Bounty Link III0t375,000187,500  Shows building bounties too3,250 Exp-
Alliance Combat Uplink0t115,00057,500Connects your ship to your alliance's network of dominated NPC bases, granting combat-related bonuses according to [MECH:Alliance Territory]--
Alliance Trade Uplink0t115,00057,500Connects your ship to your alliance's network of dominated NPC bases, granting trade-related bonuses according to [MECH:Alliance Territory]--
Gyro Stabilizer I0t860,000430,000  Reduces AP cost for wormhole jumps by 40% (does not affect AP cost for X-hole or Y-hole jumps)Godfather / Godmother (Union)-
Gyro Stabilizer II0t2,400,0001,200,000  Reduces AP cost for wormhole jumps by 90% (does not affect AP cost for X-hole or Y-hole jumps)Mogul (Union)-
Bodypart Masker0t80,000
+ 16 TP
40,000The bodypart masker software upgrade hides all bodyparts in your cargo from external scans by changing the bodypart bio-signals to the bio-signals of animal embryos.Competency Level 1+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
ECM Jammer [S]1t240,000120,000  Uses electronic counter-measures to reduce probability of being hit with missiles in combat by 30%--
Strong ECM Jammer [S]1t280,000140,000  Uses electronic counter-measures to reduce probability of being hit with missiles in combat by 40%Collector (Union)-
ECCM Jammer [S]1t40,00020,000  Uses electronic counter-measures to nullify the effect of your opponent's ECM JammerCleaner (Union)-
Weak Gas Flux Capacitor [S]2t340,000170,000  This device reduces your ship's movement cost in Nebulas by 1 Action Point. Only one flux capacitor can be installed on a ship.Nephew / Niece (Union)-
Weak Energy Flux Capacitor [S]2t460,000230,000  This device reduces your ship's movement cost in Energy by 1 Action Point. Only one flux capacitor can be installed on a ship.Godfather / Godmother (Union)-
Strong Gas Flux Capacitor [S]2t980,000490,000  This device reduces your ship's movement cost in Nebulas by 2 Action Points. Only one flux capacitor can be installed on a ship.Godfather / Godmother (Union)-
Strong Energy Flux Capacitor [S]2t1,400,000700,000  This device reduces your ship's movement cost in Energy by 2 Action Points. Only one flux capacitor can be installed on a ship.Mogul (Union)-
Small Missile Battery [S]Small Missile Battery1t750,000375,000  This missile battery increases the missile mounts of your ship by 2 slots. Additionally, the mass of each single installed missile is effectively reduced by 1t (but each missile weighs at least 1t). Only one missile battery can be installed on a ship.Chief (Union)-
Large Missile Battery [S]Large Missile Battery3t3,000,0001,500,000  This missile battery increases the missile mounts of your ship by 10 slots. Additionally, the mass of each single installed missile is effectively reduced by 2t (but each missile weighs at least 1t). Only one missile battery can be installed on a ship.Godfather / Godmother (Union)-
Misappropriated Missile Battery [S]Misappropriated Missile Battery3t1,350,000
+ 270 TP
675,000  This missile battery increases the missile mounts of your ship by 6 slots. Additionally, the mass of each single installed missile is effectively reduced by 2t (but each missile weighs at least 1t). Only one missile battery can be installed on a ship.Competency Level 9+The Shadow Syndicate-
Key of Sheppard [S]1t7,000,0003,500,000  This device allows your ship to jump through Sheppard Warp Gates. Only active Union members may utilize Sheppard Warp Gates. [MECH:Universe Structure & Jumps]
Destinations within the Pardus Cluster are excluded for pilots who have no Anti-Lucidi Cloaker installed.
Mogul (Union)-
EPS Contraband Scanner [S]1t32,00016,000Enables EPS ships to scan the cargo of ships for contraband, in faction territory forwarding the findings to local authorities resulting in faction bounties. May result in a significant improvement of the scanner's competency on bounty collection.Esteemed Pilots Syndicate-
EPS Contraband Drone [S]1t280,000140,000Enables EPS ships to place a scan-drone on a wormhole. For 50% of all ships entering this wormhole (on the respective side) the drone will scan their cargo for contraband, until 10 ships were scanned or until contraband is found; the drone returns to the owner once its job is done. If placed in faction territory, the drone will forward its findings to local authorities resulting in faction bounties. May result in a significant improvement of the placer's competency on bounty collection. If placed outside of faction territory, the drone will induce a subspace anomaly on the wormhole in case contraband was detected, leading to hull damage for the jumping ship. Only one contraband drone can be installed on a ship. If multiple drones reside on the same field, they will work off their scans in order of placement.Esteemed Pilots Syndicate-
EPS Core Sensitizer [S]1t1,200,000600,000Enables EPS ships to sensitize the ship computer's core of a fellow pilot, once every 24 hours. A sensitized core has a significantly higher probability of earlier shutdown the next time it is credit hacked. [MECH:Raiding & Ambush] The higher the hacking skill of the sensitizing pilot, the better the protection. [MECH:Hacking & Firewalls]Esteemed Pilots Syndicate-
Cloaking Device [S]2t200,000
(+ 40 TP if TSS)
100,000  Adds 25 percentage points to the probability to successful cloaking (e.g. 2% changes to 27%).Made Man / Made Woman (Union) or Competency Level 4+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Improved Cloaking Device [S]3t350,000
+ 70 TP
175,000  Adds 40 percentage points to the probability to successful cloaking (e.g. 2% changes to 42%).Competency Level 6+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Single-Wave Interferometer [S]1t60,000
(+ 12 TP if TSS)
30,000  Interferes with outgoing signals from attacked buildings and ships to Alliance Command Stations and attempts to nullify any signals. Fails once out of 100 times in building attacks and 25 out of 100 times in attacks against other ships.Accountant (Union) or Competency Level 2+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Dual-Wave Interferometer [S]1t160,000
(+ 32 TP if TSS)
80,000  Interferes with outgoing signals from attacked buildings and ships to Alliance Command Stations and attempts to nullify any signals. Fails once out of 500 times in building attacks and 25 out of 500 times in attacks against other ships.Nephew / Niece (Union) or Competency Level 7+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Triple-Wave Interferometer [S]1t260,000
+ 52 TP
130,000  Interferes with outgoing signals from attacked buildings and ships to Alliance Command Stations and attempts to nullify any signals. Fails once out of 2500 times in building attacks and 25 out of 2500 times in attacks against other ships.Competency Level 10+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Signature Shielding [S]1t220,000110,000  Reduces the chance you are detected at military outposts by 5 percentage points, thus increasing your chance of flying by unnoticed.Cleaner (Union)The Federation The Empire
Advanced Signature Shielding [S]2t500,000250,000  Reduces the chance you are detected at military outposts by 10 percentage points, thus increasing your chance of flying by unnoticed.Kingpin (Union)The Federation The Empire
Signature Dissipator [S]1t125,000
+ 25 TP
62,500  Reduces the chance you are detected at military outposts by 7 percentage points, thus increasing your chance of flying by unnoticed.Competency Level 4+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Complex Signature Dissipator [S]2t275,000
+ 55 TP
137,500  Reduces the chance you are detected at military outposts by 15 percentage points, thus increasing your chance of flying by unnoticed.Competency Level 7+The Shadow SyndicateThe Federation The Empire
Damping Field Generator [S]1t65,000
+ 13 TP
32,500  Decreases equipment damage in combat (including ship destruction during combat) and wormhole-accidents by 40%.Competency Level 3+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Reinforced Damping Field Generator [S]1t190,000
+ 38 TP
95,000  Decreases equipment damage in combat (including ship destruction during combat) and wormhole-accidents by 55%.Competency Level 8+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Perfected Damping Field Generator [S]1t650,000
+ 130 TP
325,000  Decreases equipment damage in combat (including ship destruction during combat) and wormhole-accidents by 65%.Competency Level 12+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Light Dematerializer Mk.I [S]6t400,000
+ 80 TP
200,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 300+(size*20). Recovery time: 48 hoursCompetency Level 5+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Medium Dematerializer Mk.I [S]10t500,000
+ 150 TP
250,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 400+(size*8). Recovery time: 48 hoursCompetency Level 8+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Heavy Dematerializer Mk.I [S]18t600,000
+ 100 TP
300,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 500+(size*1). Recovery time: 48 hoursCompetency Level 11+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Light Dematerializer Mk.II [S]6t750,000
+ 190 TP
375,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 300+(size*20). Recovery time: 36 hoursCompetency Level 7+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Medium Dematerializer Mk.II [S]10t950,000
+ 120 TP
475,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 400+(size*8). Recovery time: 36 hoursCompetency Level 10+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Heavy Dematerializer Mk.II [S]18t1,150,000
+ 230 TP
575,000  Allows dematerialization with an AP cost of 500+(size*1). Recovery time: 36 hoursCompetency Level 13+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Hackotron 5000 [S]3t1,600,000
+ 320 TP
800,000  Increases your hacking skill in combat by 10, doubles credit hack booty, and enables Turnover Hacks on faction bases. Only one Hackotron can be installed on a ship. [MECH:Hacking & Firewalls]Competency Level 5+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Hackotron 6000 [S]1t2,400,000
+ 480 TP
1,200,000  Increases your hacking skill in combat by 20, doubles credit hack booty, and enables Turnover Hacks on faction bases. Only one Hackotron can be installed on a ship. [MECH:Hacking & Firewalls]Competency Level 11+The Shadow SyndicateThe Union The Federation The Empire
Bussard Ramscoop 2.0 [S]2t00  Version 2 of the Bussard Ramscoop allows configuration of its features: amount collected (1-15t), amount in ship (1-30t), minimum field resources (150-500t).Starbase

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
90 days
Enhanced Magnetic Scoop [S]4t00  This superior version of the magnetic scoop can carry up to 250 tons of commodities with a smaller penalty to movement speed than the original device (still 0.2 APs per ton, but without the initial 10 APs penalty).Planet M/A

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
100 days
Quick Freeze Module [S]1t00  This firewall module is able to speed up your ship computer's shut down time by 25 percent.Planet I

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
150 days
Trader Safety Shield [S]5t00  Despite its name this equipment is not a shield per se but an addon. As long as your shields stay up this module will guarantee that all credit hacking attempts are blocked.Planet R

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
180 days
Spatial Warp Pod [S]1t00  This refined version of the original escape pod features a new kind of technology for movement, saving space previously required for its ship drive and bringing you to a safe place almost instantly. Aside from the advantages of the standard escape pod this version also halves your loss of APs, experience and skills on ship destruction.Planet G

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
200 days
Remote Accounting Gateway [S]1t00  By keeping a persistent connection to your friends from Accounting about 50 percent of any credits hacked can be saved.Planet D

Ship class ≥
Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+Trading Ship Class 3+
240 days
Feral Scales Upgrade [S]1t??  This upgrade provides your ship with extra protection by reorganizing its armor coating and making it flexible similar to the scales of the Feral Serpent.Armor must also be installed.-

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Last modification on this page: 2017-07-09

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