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Premium Accounts


Premium Referral Program

Receive a Premium Account for free by taking part in our Premium Referral Program!

It is simple:

You, as every other player, have a personal referral code, as seen on the first link in the left menu under Premium Referral Code. Everyone who signs up to Pardus and enters your referral code on the signup screen will count as referred to Pardus by you. As soon as a referred person purchases a Premium Account for himself/herself, you will receive 10% of his/her Premium days additionally (as an upgrade or extension)!
You can refer as many people as you like - there is no limit.

Please note:
  • A referral code can only be entered on the signup screen for new Pardus accounts, not later.

  • If a referred person purchases or receives a Premium Account as a gift, there will be no referral bonus.

  • Abusing the referral program by talking existing Pardus players into deleting their accounts to re-signup under a referral code is not allowed and will result in the abuser's account being deleted.

  • When referring to Pardus with your referral code in games, forums, or other public places on the internet or elsewhere, please respect all applicable local rules and conventions concerning advertisements and promotions. Please do not spam your Pardus referral.

If you have any questions concerning Premium Accounts, please visit the Premium Accounts FAQ.

Last modification on this page: 2007-10-14

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