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Additional Sentient Life

Ice Beast
Ice Beast

Most often categorized as
predatory , Ice Beasts
mirror the disposition
of their native species.
Rarity: Uncommon
Region: Universal
The Ice Beast is not its own species of creature, but instead a unique genetic mutation observed to exist within various different species of the cosmos. Affecting the sweat glands and hair follicles of animalia, this mutation denies bodies the regulation of their own pores. Forced to retreat to the coldest regions of space, or else perish, Ice Beasts come to be plated with a thick outer carapace which appear to be made of scales of pure ice, a veritable tank like armor.

Cyborg Manta
Cyborg Manta

Disposition: Hostile
Rarity: Uncommon
Region: Pardus Cluster
Even before space travel was possible, the concept of a cybernetic, or living, self-sustaining and self-repairing, vessel has intrigued science. The unfortunate Cyborg Manta is the result of an attempt to develop just such a craft. Though most of the facts are lost in the haze of history, it is known that these massive beasts originated from the watery planet of Nhandu, where they dwell harmlessly on the sea floors, grazing on plant life. It is also known that some time shortly before the First Great War, a number of these animals were captured for use by Dr. Theula Illen, who merged metal and flesh, wires and neurons; and by replacing the manta's need for oxygen with the need for hydrogen, the resulting monstrosities were no longer bound to the sea. Torn between instinct and programming, tortured by metal woven through flesh, the Cyborg Mantas proved completely uncontrollable, savagely attacking anything in their path. Now scattered throughout the Pardus Core, they continue to present a serious threat to spacefarers.

Infected Creature
Infected Creature

Disposition: Destructive
Rarity: Rare
Region: Pardus Core
Many unfortunate creatures of the Pardus Cluster, simply unable to withstand the destructive energy of the Lucisti Virus yet unable also to perish from it, find themselves without purpose and even without name. Their bodies ravaged so greatly by the virus, mutated so irrevocably by it, they no longer even resemble the entities they once were. Even tests run by Federation and Imperial geneticists are unable to ascertain on a mitochondrial level what these wretched beasts used to be.


Disposition: Predatory
Rarity: Rare
Region: West Pardus Rim, Split and Lane Clusters, Pardus Core
Big, vicious and extremely dangerous, Glowprawns often attach themselves to their victims, rendering them immobile while they slowly digest their still-living prey. Interestingly, Glowprawns emit high amounts of gamma radiation, which gives them their distinctive glow. Unfortunately this same radiation is powerful enough to corrode down starship hulls even with little exposure.


Disposition: Aggressive
Rarity: Legendary
Region: Unknown
Little is known about the legendary creature known only as The Shadow. Stories and hearsay speak of a void-like entity wreaking havoc in many different sectors of the galaxy, but survivors are rarely left in its wake to speak firsthand of its terrible, destructive powers.

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