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Basic Skills

Basic skills represent a character's learned abilities in numerous predefined areas, such as asteroid mining or engineering. They are displayed on the right side under Overview → Stats.
It is possible to lose basic skills if one's ship is destroyed. [MECH:Ship Destruction]

Basic Skills

The Base value column shows the unmodified skill points you currently have, used for calculating skill gain or loss. They may be temporarily modified by certain advanced skills or decreased up to 24 hours after one's ship was destroyed. [MECH:Ship Destruction]. These modified skills, which are actually used in the game system's formulas to determine their effects on your character, are shown under Actual value. Actual skills higher than their base values are shown in green color, lower ones in red color. Actual skills can never fall below 9.

The Base Gain column is only available to Premium Accounts and is used for skill gain tracking. It displays the amount of base skill points you have gained since the last time you have reset the tracker.

The following basic skills exist:
  • Asteroid mining
    affects how much ore you're able to mine in asteroid fields. The skill will increase every time you successfully get ore.

  • Energy collecting
    affects how much energy you're able to collect in energy fields. The skill will increase every time you successfully get energy.

  • Gas collecting
    affects how much gas you're able to collect in nebulas. The skill will increase every time you successfully get nebula gas.

  • Fuel collecting
    affects how much fuel you're able to collect in space. The skill will increase every time you successfully get fuel.

  • Tactics
    Your tactics skill significantly influences combat. The higher the skill the harder it will be for your NPC enemy to hit your ship. It also gives you the chance to hit critical systems and do extra damage. The skill will increase every time a worthy NPC enemy fires at your ship and also when you manage to hit critical systems of your NPC enemy.

  • Hit accuracy
    The higher your hit accuracy the higher your chance to hit the enemy. The skill will increase every time you fire at a worthy NPC opponent.

  • Maneuver
    Your maneuver skill will give you the chance to outmaneuver the enemy and evade his shots and decrease probability and amount of wormhole damage. The skill will increase every time a worthy NPC enemy fires at you.

  • Weaponry
    This skill influences the damage your weapons will inflict on your enemy. The skill will increase every time you hit a worthy NPC target.

  • Engineering
    Your skill in engineering affects how much of the damage inflicted on your ship you'll be able to repair in battle, also how efficiently you can operate teleporters. The skill will increase every time you get hit by a worthy NPC enemy or use a teleporter.

  • Cloaking
    Your skill in cloaking determines the likelihood of successfully cloaking your ship. The skill will increase with every successful cloaking attempt (and also a very small amount with every unsuccessful attempt) and with unnoticed teleports.

  • Hacking
    Your skill in hacking computer networks improves your chances of gaining information from hacking attempts. It also decreases the probability of getting caught. Additionally this skill increases your chances to shut down your ship computer when being credit hacked, and improves your chances of finding treasures in wreckage.

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Last modification on this page: 2012-03-04

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