In most areas these buildings are unnecessary, since fuel is nearly everywhere and can be easily obtained with a Fuel Scoop. However, in very heavily settled sectors the excessively high transit causes serious supply shortages of fuel. Without Fuel Collectors in these sectors the whole economic system would collapse at its very base!
Much like the Fuel Collector, the Gas Collector is only needed in closely colonized sectors. In similar fashion as the Nebula Plant it uses 4 collector nozzles to suck in large quantities of gas, which it then consolidates for compact storage.
Built on an artificial asteroid, animals are raised here from imported animal embryos and
slaughtered for food. Almost all of these farms are built to support starbases.
These energy sources are not much used as production sites. Recharging shields is their primary function. They are often found on busy trade routes and near neutral zones in contested areas.
In bygone wars huge amounts of these now rusty and age-old constructions sprang up like mushrooms. They are built on asteroids and Rustclaws are used to extract ore from these ancient rocks, rich in crystalline matter and often gem stones.
Also built in nebulas, this facility uses complicated chemical processes to break down nebula gas into its rich components and convert it to chemical supplies.
In its enormous collection panels, the Radiation Collector gathers high-energy photons and cosmic rays, using them to transmute stable atoms into radioactive isotopes. These are drawn inside and concentrated in Radioactive Cells, which provide a compact and portable source of energy for a variety of applications.